API Details


Informed K12 returns fifty (50) items per API call. If the number of items in a response from an endpoint exceeds 50, then you can use pagination to request a specific set of the results and/or to limit the number of returned items.

Note pagination is different for Users Management API.

Status Codes

Responses from the APIs use HTTP response codes.

HTTP Status CodeDescriptionPossible Reason
200 OKIndicates that the request has succeeded
400 Bad RequestIndicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be an error in the query parametersTypos or unsupported parameters or an invalid URL
401 UnauthorizedIndicates that the request was not processed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resourceAn API key is missing or invalid
404 Not FoundIndicates that the server cannot find the requested resourceThe record either doesn’t exist or the requester is not authorized to access it in Informed K12
422 Unprocessable ContentIndicates file provided does not match the expected schemaColumns in file do not match the existing data source file
500 Internal Server ErrorIndicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the requestIf you encounter any 5XX errors, try the request again or contact Informed K12