Manage Informed K12 Users

Informed K12's User Management API provides a programmatic interface for creating and updating user accounts within your Informed K12 organization.

To simplify integration with other systems our API is a partial implementation of the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification as defined by RFC 7644 and RFC 7643.


You must have the People Admin role to be able to use the user management API.


We do not support deleting users via DELETE. However, you can deactivate a user by setting active to false using either PUT or PATCH. Additional limitations can be found in the documentation for individual SCIM endpoints.


The user management API supports listing, fetching, creating, and updating users. It allows setting a user's email, and setting or updating a user's status, name, and Informed K12 roles. See the Schemas and other individual endpoints for details on how this is done.

Differences From Other Informed K12 APIs

SCIM's conventions differ from our other APIs in some ways. For example, pagination is index based rather than page based.

See the documentation for individual SCIM endpoints for details on their behavior.